And another blink and poof -- she's really too big to be in that crib. Though, she still seems to be enjoying playing with her feet. Hmmmn.
Nope, no doubt about it -- time to go out with the old, and in with the new, cribless, era. Hmmmn...needs a quilt. Of course, that would mean I'd have to get off my duff and finish
it. Though discovery of a slight construction error (ok, so my seam allowance was so far off that one of the strips on a block is a scant 1/16" or maybe 1/32"?) means I need to remake one of the blocks. Thank goodness I have more of the fabrics (there is SOMETHING to be said for over purchasing fabrics at times).
But she seems to love her major present even if Mommy didn't finish her blankie.
And this is my roundabout way of saying a, belated, Happy birthday to my Miss Tinkerbell. Her actual birthday was Sunday but we spent most of last week and the weekend celebrating. Can you guess how old she is? And I still want to know -- where DOES all of that time go?
So Happy Birthday Tinkerbell. I'm glad your day (days) were special.
And just so I don't seem like a total craft slacker, I DID finish one of her hand made gifts. I finally finished the sewing up of her
pink and purple fairy dress. And she loved it so much when she opened it she HAD to put it on RIGHT then. Sniff. It does a mother proud. Though, looking at the photo -- um, need to do something about that skirt and the ties on the top need to be tied lower...hmmnn.
Though, to be honest, the fairy dress did get put away when another present showed up. Priorities hunh? So here's to time passing, even if I don't know where it's gone. As for me? Um, I think I hear a leftover cupcake calling my name...
Happy Birthday Tink! And really, who wouldn't want to wear a pink fairy costume right away?! We got many years of use out of a similar trike too. You're a fine mom. :-)
She is adorable and who knows where the time goes? I think it hides with that left over sock, the singular mitten and the umbrellas! enjoy it i blinked and both of the DD's are away from home!
Just wait til she's heading to college. I swear I just had my kids and now they're almost grown up. Well, two of them actually ARE grown up. It goes so fast, enjoy every minute. She's a beauty!
Such a wonderful little princess !
Happy birthday to her, and a big hug to you, for being such a sweet and funny mum ! ENJOY, dear !
(THANKS for your kind comment on my blog)
What a little cutie! You're right, it all goes by so fast--enjoy it all, every single day.
Aww, it looks like she had a great third birthday! They do grow up TOO fast!
Happy Birthday to your little one, or should I say big girl. I too have a little girl that turned 3 on Sunday! Last year for her birthday we got her a toddler bed and moved her in with her sisters. This made room in the crib for her brother born just three weeks later. It is so hard to believe that it has been a year already. Love the quilt that you are making for her too!
happy poofday tink!
*sniff* the time does fly! it seems like just yesterday mine was 6 months old, and now she's... well, 6 months and a week. :)
thanks for all your advice; it makes me feel better! and all your hand-me-downs; it makes C better dressed!
You think time's raced by after three years - just wait til she's almost 16 like my Sarah :o) Enjoy her while she's little - thy don't stay that way for long
I don't know where the time goes. I really don't.
Hang on to those memories as long as you can. You will forget.
Happy Birthday Tink! The time does just fly off the clock quicker than you can keep track . . . savor every moment *s*
The time does go by soooo fast. Freeze frame as much as you are able. I like your new hairdo.
She is adorable!!!!!!!! Love the tinkerbell outfit. That is way cute!!!!
happy birthday to your cutie pie. I love her bedroom - great colors.
You're right, they do grow up quickly! Happy birthday to the little princess!!!
It sounds like Tink had a wonderful birthday. Good job. I cried each time I took down the crib and the girls moved to a big girl bed. I love her pink sheets.
Happy Belated Birthday to Miss Tink!! You are sooooo right - time does fly by much too quickly. My son has just turned 31 and I still remember when he was 3 - seems like yesterday to me. Tink is absolutely adorable, and I think the fairy dress is perfection. She will enjoy it for a long time, I betcha. I also love the Orange Sorbet quilt you're creating for Tink's grown-up girl bed.
I'm glad cupcakes talk to you - I thought I was the only one that hears them! LOL
Happy Birthday Tink!! - My little Ella turned 3 on Saturday 14th June - so I know where you are coming from - I don't know where the time has gone and I can't believe the things she know and talks about - forever talking, dancing, singing and playacting. These are special times
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