My dd's pleas for "ouside" FINALLY were answered with "yes". So not much quilty going on here but dd did get to wear her new "jacky" (complete WITH buttons -- amazing since I tend to put off any hand sewing until I absolutely have to do it). So the final photos of this project include an adorable (if I do say so myself) model
Of course, my little one did not think the hour or so she had at the park was anywhere near enough -- or that she needed lunch and a nap before going back out again -- if mommy wouldn't help her with the coat, she could take matters into her own hands
Mommy (mean person that she is) however did manage to prevail. (she did get to go out later -- but that was AFTER nap time, much needed despite the pleas of the not quite two year old).
I did manage to get SOME quilty stuff done this weekend -- plotted out my next project, selected fabrics from the stash, etc. But I will write more about that later. Another beautiful spring day here and I can just hear dd beginning to wake up from nap -- and expecting "ouside!"
Hi - I found you from the comments you left on Tonya's blog. Your daughter is gorgeous and so you are your quilts. I'll be back!
The jacket was adorable just sitting on the table, but even more so now that your lovely daughter is modelling it! Lucky girl, her mommy is creative!
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