Ok, I didn't really forget Mother's Day so much as I was so intense about getting the last major project done that I wasn't able to a) finish my Mom's gift, b) mail her a card, or c) let her know just how much she really means to me. I still need to do a) and b), but I think I can manage c) right now.

It's because of my mother that I understand the need to create a balance between work and family. Mom did it the entire time I was growing up and made it look effortless. I'm still trying to find that place. Mom worked hard, and I knew she did, but she always had time for me, for my activities, for fun. I haven't been too good at that these past couple of weeks -- but I know it's possible to find it because she did. Now, she also managed this while having a clean house. That one, um -- that one I may never quite get to --
It's because of my mother that I know what it means to support, love, and let your child make their own mistakes. Mom has always been my strongest supporter, my best hug, and the person I know will let me fall flat on my butt if I need to. Yes, it is important to let your children fall sometimes -- how else do they learn to get up again? And, when I have fallen (and oh my, the mistakes I've made and the times I've needed to pick myself up), she's always there with a hand and a hug.
I know this post isn't long enough to detail the millions of ways my Mom has been there for me, helped me, loved me. So all I can say is Thank You Mom. Thank you for your strength, your courage, your love. Thank you for putting up with me when I don't deserve it, and for always being my strongest supporter and toughest (but fairest) critic (not as in critical, but as in critique to help me figure out what I'm doing right and wrong). Thank you for helping me grow up (you're still doing it). Thank you for being you. Thank you for being the kind of mother I want to be -- and thank you for telling me you think I'm doing a good job at it.
I love you Mom. XOXO
Both you and your words are such a wonderful tribute to your mom.
that's such a wonderful tribute to your mom! I imagine that's probably the best mother's day gift you could give!
Awww.. that is tender and touching; the EXACT words of affirmation that every mother wants to hear! You are a wonderful daughter to have taken the time to tell her just that. The photo is precious, Mom is right about that too!
Fantastic post!!!
Moms are the best and I miss mine everyday.
Your mom was just like mine not just a mom but a good friend.
What a heart warming testament to how precious our mums are. You made me cry.
Ohhhh, how lovely.
What a great post. Like you I feel lucky when someone tells me I'm turning into my Mom!
You wrote a great post and a hommage to all mums. Your mum has many reasons to be proud of you, the first of them being this nice text! I hope you find some time to sew and to do the things you enjoy most now. Take care.
Very nice post about your mom. Congrats for finishing up your projects.
That was such a lovely post about your Mum. Made me smile! My Mum actually gave me a card for MD saying how proud she was of me raising my two girls and it really touched me. Lovely photo too. :)
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